2014 Latest EXIN EX0-117 Exam Demo Free Download!

Which of the following items would commonly be on the agenda for a change advisory board (CAB)?
1. Details of failed changes
2. Updates to the change schedule
3. Reviews of completed changes

A.    All of the above
B.    1 and 2only
C.    2 and 3 only
D.    1 and 3 only

Answer: A

Which of the following are types of service defined in ITIL?
1. Core
2. Enabling
3. Special

A.    1 and 3only
B.    All of the above
C.    1 and 2 only
D.    2 and 3 only

Answer: C

What is defined as the ability of a service, component or configuration item (CI) to perform its agreed function when required?

A.    Serviceability
B.    Availability
C.    Capacity
D.    Continuity

Answer: B

Which of the following can include steps that will help to resolve an incident?
1. Incident model
2. Known error record

A.    1 only
B.    2only
C.    Both of the above
D.    Neither of the above

Answer: C

Which types of communication would the functions within service operation use?
1. Communication between data centre shifts
2. Communication related to changes
3. Performance reporting
4. Routine operational communication

A.    1 only
B.    2 and 3 only
C.    1, 2 and 4 only
D.    All of the above

Answer: D

Where would all the possible service improvement opportunities be recorded?

A.    CSI register
B.    Known error database
C.    Capacity management information system
D.    Configuration management database

Answer: A

Which of the following activities are performed by a service desk?
1. Logging details of incidents and service requests
2. Providing first-line investigation and diagnosis
3. Restoring service
4. Implementing all standard changes

A.    All of the above
B.    1, 2 and 3 only
C.    2 and 4 only
D.    3 and 4 only

Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT an objective of Continual Service Improvement?

A.    Review and analyze Service Level Achievement results
B.    Identify activities to improve the efficiency of service management processes
C.    Improve the cost effectiveness of IT services without sacrificing customer satisfaction
D.    Conduct activities to deliver and manage services at agreed levels to business users

Answer: D

Check, Act and Plan are three of the stages of the Deming Cycle. Which is the fourth?

A.    Do
B.    Perform
C.    Implement
D.    Measure

Answer: A

What are the three types of metrics that an organization should collect to support continual service improvement (CSI)?

A.    Return on investment (ROI), value on investment (VOI), quality
B.    Strategic, tactical and operational
C.    Critical success factors (CSFs), key performance indicators (KPIs), activities
D.    Technology, process and service

Answer: D

Which of the following are classed as stakeholders in service management?
1. Customers
2. Users
3. Suppliers

A.    All of the above
B.    1 and 3 only
C.    1 and 2 only
D.    2 and 3 only

Answer: A

From the perspective of the service provider, what is the person or group who defines or and agrees their service targets known as?

A.    User
B.    Customer
C.    Supplier
D.    Administrator

Answer: B

Which process is responsible for sourcing and delivering components of requested standard services?

A.    Request fulfilment
B.    Service portfolio management
C.    Service desk
D.    IT finance

Answer: A

Which of the following is the best definition of service management?

A.    The ability to keep services highly available to meet the business needs
B.    A set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services
C.    A complete set of all the documentation required to deliver world class services to customers
D.    An internationally recognized methodology to provide valuable services to customers

Answer: B

Which of the following CANNOT be provided by a tool?

A.    Knowledge
B.    Information
C.    Wisdom
D.    Data

Answer: C

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